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22 Things to Help with Hay Fever: Natural Hay Fever Relief


If hay fever has got you down but you don’t want to or haven’t got any hay fever medicine with you, home remedies for hay fever might be the answer for you. There are many different ways to find natural hay fever relief in your everyday life. 

This guide covers all the hay fever natural remedies people use to manage their symptoms of hay fever, from simply avoiding pollen to trying herbal remedies. Let’s delve into the homemade hay fever remedies that have been working wonders for some people for years. 


  • Home Remedies for Hay Fever
  • Natural Hay Fever Relief 
  • Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever
  • Homemade Hay Fever Remedies 
  • Take Care of Yourself This Hay Fever Season with Home Health

Home Remedies for Hay Fever

Preventing pollen from getting on your clothes or into your home is a great way to keep hay fever symptoms at bay. As pollen is most likely the allergen that is causing your symptoms, it is a good idea to try to avoid pollen particles as much as possible. Here are some preventative measures you could try to help with your hay fever symptoms. 


1. Avoid Pollen Exposure Where Possible 

If you have hay fever, the best thing to do is to avoid pollen where possible. Of course, this may be easier said than done, but you can see the predicted pollen levels each day by checking the MET Office pollen forecast or the weather app on your phone. On days when the pollen count is particularly high, you should avoid going outside or to grassy areas. 

2. Create Pollen Barriers

If you find yourself needing to go outside on high pollen count days, you could try a pollen barrier. This can include putting petroleum jelly or a barrier balm around the edges of your nose to trap any pollen particles before they enter your nasal passages. This works particularly well for people who have symptoms such as sneezing or a blocked nose. 

If itchy eyes are affecting you the most, wraparound sunglasses may be the solution for you. These sunglasses have a protective barrier around the lenses, preventing pollen and other particles from reaching your eyes. 

3. Wash Away the Pollen 

One way to prevent pollen from lingering in your home is to remove any clothes you have worn outside when you get home and shower immediately to remove any pollen you may be carrying with you. Washing your body and hair can effectively remove pollen particles clinging to your skin, stopping you from accidentally spreading the pollen particles to your eyes or nose. 

4. Rinse Your Nasal Passages

Rinsing your nasal passages once you get home is also a good idea. Pollen particles can be trapped in your nose, so rinsing your nasal passages with some saline solution or a nasal spray can remove this allergy trigger. Additionally, clearing out your nasal passages with a saline solution can effectively unblock them if you are suffering from a blocked nose. 

5. Allergy Reliever 

An allergy reliever is a small and portable device used to prevent hay fever symptoms from occurring.

By utilising red light therapy, histamines are blocked from being released. Histamine is the chemical released by your body that causes hay fever symptoms. By blocking histamine from being released, your hay fever symptoms can be reduced. 

6. Use an Air Purifier 

An air purifier is commonly used to remove unwanted particles from the air, whether pollen particles or microorganisms. It is a great way to remove pollen from your home. Simply turn the air purifier on and let it run in the background while you get on with your day. 

7. Vacuum and Clean Your Home Regularly 

A clean home will ensure any allergy triggers are managed and removed, minimising your hay fever symptoms. By cleaning surfaces with a damp cloth, you can effectively remove pollen particles from any surfaces, preventing you from touching contaminated surfaces and then your face. You could also use a HEPA filter on your vacuum cleaner to filter out any pollen particles that may be embedded in your carpets. 

8. Reduce High-Pollen Flowers in Your Home 

Freshly cut flowers can brighten up any home, but they can also be an issue for hay fever sufferers. Flowers with high pollen can cause havoc on people with hay fever, so it is a good idea to be mindful of the types of flowers you are choosing for yourself or even a friend. 

You should avoid high-pollen flowers such as lilies, daisies, or sunflowers and opt for more hay fever-friendly options such as peonies, roses, or hydrangeas. 

9. Pick Your Garden Plants Carefully 

It’s not just the flowers in your home that can be an issue. The plants you have in your garden can also affect your hay fever symptoms. By choosing plants such as antirrhinum (snapdragons), gladiolus, cornus, and roses, you can reduce the risk of pollen coming into your home through open windows, minimising your hay fever symptoms. 

10. Install a Pollen Filter in Your Car

Summer calls for the aircon to be blasting in your car with the warmer weather. However, this can cause hay fever symptoms to flare up. With air being drawn in from the outside into your car, pollen particles can end up being thrown into your face. One way to reduce this is to install a HEPA filter into your car. These filters can remove any unwanted particles, such as pollen, leaving your car in a pollen-free zone. 

Natural Hay Fever Relief 

If your hay fever symptoms have become difficult to manage, you could try some natural hay fever relief. From taking supplements to simply adding some new foods to your diet, these natural remedies can relieve some of those pesky hay fever symptoms. 


11. Zeolite

Zeolite is a naturally occurring substance that effectively removes histamines from the body. By binding to histamine in the digestive tract, histamine can be removed via stool. The removal of histamine can reduce your hay fever symptoms, allowing you to get back to your day without disruption. Natural clinoptilolite zeolite is the most researched variant of zeolite. 

12. Quercetin

A natural compound commonly found in food, quercetin works by reducing the release of histamine. You could reduce your hay fever symptoms by adding foods such as onions, turmeric, dark berries, and citrus fruits to your diet. Quercetin can also be obtained as a supplement. 

13. Bee Pollen 

Some people believe using bee pollen is a “natural cure” for hay fever. A mixture of nectar, flower pollen, bee secretions, wax, and enzymes, bee pollen is used to build up your immunity and resistance to pollen triggers. Almost like a natural vaccine, exposing your body to the allergen causing your symptoms is thought to help with seasonal allergies. 

14. Vitamin C 

We all get told to have some vitamin C when we’re sick, and this could also be the case for hay fever symptoms. As a natural antihistamine and antioxidant, vitamin C could reduce hay fever symptoms by reducing the amount of histamines being released in your body. More research needs to be conducted in this area, but the current findings seem promising. 

If you are pregnant and suffering from hay fever, you should speak to your GP before taking any supplements. Take a look at our guide on Hay Fever Relief in Pregnancy for more information.

Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever 

Many foods and herbs are thought to help with hay fever symptoms. From stinging nettles to garlic, here are some herbal remedies for hay fever that people have been using for generations. 


15. Stinging Nettles

Known as one of the most effective herbal remedies for hay fever, stinging nettles have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can reduce hay fever symptoms. By cooking the leaves to remove the stinging effect, stinging nettles can be easily added to your food or brewed in a cup of nettle tea. 

16. Ginger 

Inflammatory issues are common causes of hay fever symptoms. This is where ginger could be the answer. Ginger is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food containing phytochemical compounds that target inflammation. Adding ginger to your food and drink can minimise your hay fever symptoms. 

17. Chamomile 

Another anti-inflammatory food, chamomile, can help with inflammatory issues. You can brew chamomile tea to reduce your hay fever symptoms effectively. Alternatively, you can put a towel in chamomile tea in the fridge to create a cold compress for swollen and itchy eyes. 

18. Garlic 

Garlic is known as an anti-inflammatory food, but it is also a natural antihistamine as it contains quercetin. It is more effective when eaten raw or crushed, but if this is too much for you, you can also buy garlic capsules to achieve the full benefits of eating garlic. 

Homemade Hay Fever Remedies 

Typical homemade hay fever remedies also work for cold and flu symptoms, as both conditions have similar symptoms. Blocked noses and sore throats are common symptoms of both conditions, meaning home remedies you might use for a cold could also effectively treat hay fever symptoms. For example:


  • Steam Inhalation: To unblock your nasal passages, you can try putting your head over a bowl of boiling water and breathing in the steam. 
  • Honey and Lemon: One of the most well-known remedies for a sore throat is drinking warm water with honey and lemon. It is also a great treatment for hay fever cough. 
  • Cold Compress: If itchy eyes are irritating you, try applying a cold compress to them and rubbing them against your eyes until the irritation goes away. 

Take Care of Yourself This Hay Fever Season with Home Health

Home Health has a range of hay fever medications and guides to help you easily get through this hay fever season. From common hay fever medications like cetirizine and loratadine to guides on hay fever and allergies, find everything you need in one place. Combine these home remedies with our hay fever medication today to effectively manage your symptoms.

Homemade Hay Fever Remedies FAQs

Is there a cure for hay fever?

There is no cure for hay fever, but there are plenty of medications and homemade remedies that can help you manage the symptoms. For example, reducing the amount of pollen entering your home, showering after coming home, and creating pollen barriers are all effective ways of preventing hay fever symptoms. Some herbal remedies for hay fever include drinking nettle tea, adding ginger to your food, and eating raw garlic. 

How to treat hay fever naturally

A range of home remedies for hay fever have been proven to be effective. Some examples include: 

  • Blocking pollen from your home.
  • Creating a pollen barrier. 
  • Rinsing your nasal passages. 
  • Using an air purifier.
  • Trying Zeolite. 
  • Drinking nettle tea. 
  • Adding ginger to your food. 

What is the most powerful natural antihistamine?

There is no research to suggest that there is one most powerful natural antihistamine, but there is research to suggest that there are some herbal remedies for hay fever. For example, stinging nettles, vitamin C, foods containing quercetin and garlic are all natural antihistamines. 

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