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Our early 10mIU/ml pregnancy test kit can detect a pregnancy from as early as just 2 days after implantation/conception (though 4-6 days is more normal).
The pregnancy hormone increases dramatically from less than 5mIU/ml to way over 100,000mIU/ml in the first 3 months of a pregnancy. So our 10mIU/ml test is extremely sensitive and it is exactly the same one as we sell to huge numbers of A&E departments.
For more information about trying to get pregnant click here.
These tests are exactly the same as the ones we supply to the NHS.
As of July the 1st 2021 the rules on VAT for EU sales will be changing. For orders less than £135 (€150) we will display the total price inclusive of the VAT rate. For orders above this amount, you will not be charged VAT and you will be required to pay this when your goods arrive in your country. Read more on the new rules here.
Many of our customers who bought this product also bought one or all the products listed below.
We offer different pregnancy test kit types such as; pee on a stick, pipette & cassette test and, the just as accurate, strip type test. Our ultra early 10mIU/ml pregnancy test strip is the preferred pregnancy test used in most A&E departments in hospitals throughout the UK – basically the lower the number, e.g. 10mIU vs the normal 25mIU, the earlier a pregnancy will be detected.
We also sell all the main brands of pregnancy tests including those from Clearblue and First Response. Our own complete range of pregnancy tests are just as good but at a fraction of the price of the main high street brands. The One Step pregnancy tests are so good that we are are now the number 1 supplier of pregnancy tests to the NHS. To view our test kits on the NHS Supplies catalogue please click on the link below;
A new browser page will open where you will be able to view all the pregnancy test kit offerings we have listed within the NHS catalogue.
If you are looking for additional help or information related to pregnancy, ovulation, the menstrual cycle, antenatal care etc then the best way to find hundreds of pages directly related to these subjects is to go to this part of our web-site.
The link above will open up in a new browser tab and will take you to a page that lists many different female health categories including Abortion, Endometriosis, Fertility, Menopause, Miscarriage, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and much, much more including an Ovulation calendar and fertility chart you can download and print off as many times along with a video clearly showing and describing the entire process of ovulation.
Our ovulation tests are exactly the same quality and you can buy both on this page. The following are some key links you may wish to view:-
Pregnancy Test
Ovulation Tests
Male Fertility Test
Female Fertility Test
Combined Male and Female fertility tests
Menopause Test
Clearblue Pregnancy test
Clearblue Ovulation Tests
Sperm Friendly trying to conceive Gels
Basal Thermometers in either Fahrenheit and Centigrade
Saliva Ovulation Fertility Tester
Ovulation Calendar
For full Instructions click on a link below:
Pregnancy Test Strips – EN
Pregnancy Test Strips – ES
Pregnancy Test Strips – FI
Pregnancy Test Strips – FR
Pregnancy Test Strips – IT
Whether you are trying to get pregnant or trying to keep from getting pregnant, when you miss your period you want to know immediately if you are pregnant or not. The pregnancy tests that we offer are fast, accurate (greater than 99%), reliable and an easy alternative when you require immediate discreet results in the […]
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