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Jock Itch


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Find the information and advice you need concerning jock itch in our extensive guide at Home Health UK. We are experts in male care and feminine care products, with a library of information pages that can help you take care of your health and well-being. 

If you’re concerned that you may have jock itch and are unsure of how to treat and prevent it, keep reading. 

What is Jock Itch?

Jock itch is a fungal skin infection medically known as tinea cruris. Jock itch mainly affects adult men, though women can also develop it. The fungi are commonly found on the skin and nails and are quite harmless. 

Tinea cruris is commonly known as jock itch, as it tends to develop in active sportsmen and those that wear protective gear to protect their genitals during exercise. However, any tight-fitting clothes can increase the chances of jock itch developing.

What Causes Jock Itch?

As jock itch is a fungal infection, this means it is caused by fungus. Fungi love humid, damp conditions and thrive in areas where the skin folds and is in contact with other skin. This fungus is common in gyms and locker rooms as they are steamy and filled with damp towels and clothes left around.

What are the Symptoms of Jock Itch?

Jock itch usually causes a red rash that is often painful or itchy. It usually has raised, scaly edges. It can affect the inner thighs, groin, genitals and lower buttocks. 

It can spread and cause dry, scaly skin, and you may develop red-brown sores and even blisters. The rash can cause a symmetrical rash on both sides of the groin fold, stretching all the way from the groin to the scrotum.

What are the Risk Factors for Jock Itch?

Jock itch is an uncomfortable and agitating condition that can be frustrating to deal with. The good news is that you can use some prevention techniques to avoid contracting the infection again. 

To help you minimise the possibility of developing jock itch, you should be aware of a few reasons you may be prone to a fungal infection. You are more likely to suffer if:

  • You frequently wear tightfitting clothes.
  • You play sports and use a sports guard.
  • Overweight men with folds of touching skin.
  • Share towels, floors etc., with a person who has a fungal infection.
  • Type 1 Diabetes might increase the risk.
  • Low immune system
  • If you have athlete’s foot.

How Do I Prevent Jock Itch?

You can prevent jock itch with these simple tips:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes and underwear 
  • Change clothes and underwear after sweating 
  • Shower as soon as possible after exercise 
  • Avoid sharing towels
  • Use talc in areas prone to sweat to reduce moisture 
  • Wash clothes and bed linen frequently in hot temperatures

How is Jock Itch Diagnosed?

A doctor can diagnose jock itch through an examination of the infected area. In some cases, the doctor might scrape the affected skin and send it away to confirm the type of fungi causing the infection. It is important to find the infection’s origin, so it doesn’t recur.

Is Jock Itch Contagious?

Although jock itch can be developed, it is also possible to contract the fungal infection through skin-to-skin contact. It can also be spread by sharing contaminated items such as towels, bed sheets, clothing and shoes.

It is also possible to get jock itch from athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis when touching your groin after touching an infected foot. 

How Long Does Jock Itch Last?

Jock itch responds promptly to treatment and is less severe than other tinea infections. However, it will not go away on its own, and if left untreated, you can expect your jock itch to continue bothering you and, in some cases, spread. 

What are the Long-Term Effects of Jock Itch?

Most people can usually treat the condition before it spreads, and complications are rare. In severe cases, damaged skin can become infected by bacteria leading to cellulitis, an infection of the deep layers of skin. If you suspect cellulitis, you should immediately contact your doctor for treatment or seek more advice on cellulitis from the NHS.

How to Treat Jock Itch

Treatment for jock itch involves eliminating the fungi. Most cases of jock itch can be treated effectively with overthecounter anti-fungal products and good hygiene. The most effective creams to buy are antifungal creams containing clotrimazole, which you can find online at Home Health UK. 

The cream should be applied to the infected area and the normal skin 4-6 cm around the rash. Read the enclosed instructions carefully and continue treatment for two weeks after the symptoms have cleared.

If the treatment hasn’t worked, then you should book an appointment to see your doctor. Antifungal tablets can be prescribed for stubborn infections. If you continue to suffer, your doctor might suggest a swab is taken so the exact organism that is causing the infection can be identified.

Browse our range of treatments available online, and explore our wider collection of male health products and care. You can also look for more advice and guidance on our expert health and well-being information pages.

Jock Itch Frequently Asked Questions 

If you haven’t found the information you seek, your query may have been answered here in our most frequently asked questions regarding jock itch. Alternatively, for more help and advice on treatments, contact us today.

Does jock itch smell?

Jock itch has a strong and distinctive smell that is equally unpleasant to deal with as the pain and itchiness of the rash. The smell is musty, foul and yeast-like in odour, so if you suspect you may have jock itch, there is no disguising the scent. Unforntualy, the more severe the infection, the stronger the smell becomes, so you should seek treatment immediately. 

Can women get jock itch?

Yes, women can get jock itch, although it is much more common for men. In fact, men are three times more likely to develop jock itch than women. It is also much rarer in children. 

For women, jock itch can affect the skin around the groin, inner thighs and buttocks. 

Can hydrocortisone make jock itch worse?

When you develop jock itch, you might be tempted to apply an anti-itch cream to relieve the symptoms. However, this is improper treatment, and anti-itching creams, like hydrocortisone, can make jock itch worse. 

For efficient treatment, choose a Clotrimazole anti-fungal cream

What is the fastest way to get rid of jock itch?

The fastest way to get rid of jock itch is by applying a suitable anti-fungal cream. Be sure to follow the treatment instructions for the best and quickest results. You should also keep the area cool and dry to aid recovery. 

If antifungal cream does not clear up the infection, you should see your GP, where you may be prescribed antifungal tablets. 

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