Whether you are trying to get pregnant or trying to keep from getting pregnant, when you miss your period you want to know immediately if you are pregnant or not. The pregnancy tests that we offer are fast, accurate (greater than 99%), reliable and an easy alternative when you require immediate discreet results in the privacy of your own home.
We are currently selling two types of pregnancy tests. They both have the same level of accuracy but vary in price and convenience – see below.
Both tests look for the presence of the hormone H.C.G. (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) in human urine. It is this hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy, the further in to the pregnancy you are the higher the levels of H.C.G. in your urine.
To see a copy of the test instructions please click on the appropriate link.
Pregnancy Test Strip Instructions
Pregnancy Midstream Instructions
Pregnancy Cassette Test Instructions
A home pregnancy test measures the presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (H.C.G.) in your urine. H.C.G. is produced in the placenta shortly after the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. This hormone then builds up rapidly in your body in the first few days following implantation. Usually H.C.G. can be detected by a home pregnancy test 7-10 days after conception. This test is capable of detecting pregnancy as early as the first day after you miss a period. The further in to the pregnancy you are the higher the levels of H.C.G. in your urine.
Both these tests have proved greater than 99% accurate in laboratory and consumer studies.
You can take these pregnancy tests from the first day of a missed period and onwards. Tests can be taken at any time of the day. However, we do recommend that you test first thing in the morning when your urine is most concentrated. Do not drink large amounts of fluid in an attempt to increase the volume of urine as this may dilute the urine making H.C.G. more difficult to detect.
You can read the results after just 8 minutes.
Many doctors and clinics use home pregnancy tests to verify the results, in which case they are exactly the same. Occasionally, some women may be given a blood test, but they aren’t very different from home pregnancy tests either. Both types look for the presence of H.C.G. in your body.
If your pregnancy test results are positive, you should consult your doctor to discuss your pregnancy and what steps and precautions should be taken next. In addition, if your test is negative and you still suspect you may be pregnant, you may want to confirm your test results with another home pregnancy test a few days later. If you test too early you may get a negative result because not enough of the H.C.G. hormone has built up in your system.
If I see 2 lines but one is fainter than the other is this a positive result?
Yes, if 2 lines appear you are pregnant no matter how faint the lines appear.
Drinking alcohol, painkillers, oral contraceptives, antibiotics and other common drugs will not affect the result of these tests. Only medicines that contain H.C.G. can produce a false positive result. If you are unsure about your result or your period has still not arrived you should see your doctor for advice.