If you have sudden and severe joint pain and hot, red, swollen skin over the joint, you may be suffering from gout. Get to the bottom of your pain in order to seek further medical advice and treatment with a uric acid test at home. Uric acid is found in your urine and is produced by your body, however too much or too little can be a sign of hyperuricemia, and lead you to become sick.
There are three stages of gout, beginning with asymptomatic gout, which is the first stage before you have an attack. Next is acute intermittent gout, which sees attacks of pain, swelling, and stiffness lasting between 3 and 10 days. Finally, if not caught with a gout test, you will advance to chronic tophaceous gout, where bone and cartilage will begin to erode.
Screening yourself with a uric acid test at home will help you understand if you need to contact your GP and begin treatment to put a stop to the advancing gout stages. Order online now and take advantage of free UK delivery on all orders, or why not explore our wider range of at-home test kits available?
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